CTI Online Course:

.AV Framework "How To" Videos

A series of videos on the configuration of .AV Framework Devices

Introduction to Crestron .AV Framework

Learn about .AV Framework and its aplications as a no programming required solution

Ease of Configuration


.AV Framework on DMPS3

Learn about .AV Framework integration on the DMPS3 series products

.AV Framework on MPC3

An overview of .AV Framework on the MPC3 series products

Working with .AV Framework A/V Routing Configurations

This video will show the steps needed to set up the routing configurations of sources and destinations. You can set the name of sources and destination as well as the priority or rank of each source. Next we will add the devices to routing configuration to allow the user to select a intuitive name and simple behavior control for routing video with or without audio.

Using IO Devices, Configuring Relays, and adding other peripherals with .AV Framework

Using gateway devices like the Ethernet to Cresnet DIN-CENCN-2 device we showed you in the other video in this course, .AV Framework can now accommodate additional devices in your .AV Framework system. This video will show you how to add Input / Output devices like the C2N-IO and configure it for use in the .AV System. Alternatively, add in Relays to your .AV Framework system or a room availability device to your .AV Framework system.

Working with Button Panel / Cable Caddy and expanding network support in the .AV Framework system

Configuring the Button Panel devices such as the TT-100 to work with the .AV Framework to allow for actions such as source switching. Adding in User Interactive devices and expanding the network in .AV Framework to accommodate adding additional devices such Occupancy sensors. These device will be covered in other videos

Adding switchers, displays, and sources to .AV Framework on MPC3/VC4

In this video, we will cover working with Virtual Switchers as an application for devices were Audio / Video switching needed when working with MPC3 or VC-4 .AV Framework. You will learn to add source and display devices to the virtual switcher.

Using an external XPanel project on .AV Framework running on MPC3 or VC-4

Under normal usage the user would use the internal XPanel project when working with Crestron .AV Framework. However, at times you may need to work with External XPanel projects. In this video, we will cover working with the a external XPanel project on .AV Framework running on Crestron MPC3 or VC-4 products

Using .AV Framework End User Point of View

In this video we will show you how to use .AV Framework from an end user point of view. Once the system has been configured and the sources named, see how easy it is to navigate the user interface to accomplish the desired task.

Working with .AV Framework 6.0 on an AirMedia 2.0 Device

AirMedia AM-200 and AM-300 devices have .AV Framework built into the products. In this video you will learn how to get to configuration and customization settings in the AirMedia Device. You will select the .AV Framework control of the display, working with a Zūm™ occupancy sensor or Zūm™ keypad, or setting up a schedule calendar. Finally, learn how to add in the power of Appspace or Crestron Airboard™ to enhance the .AV Framework experience.

.AV Framework Location Configuration

This video will show you the steps need to set the location information for .AV Framework. You will learn to add the room name, customization of the user interface, add new drivers to the system. Customize Audio behaviors for the location. Assign control behaviors for each button on a button panel.

CTI Online Course:

.AV Framework: Scalable Crestron Enterprise Room Solutions without any programming

With Crestron .AV Framework you can easily deploy simple, scalable, and secure Crestron Enterprise Room Solutions without any programming. .AV Framework brings to your Crestron Enterprise customer an elegant and consistent user experience in every room. In these videos you will learn about Crestron .AV Framework. How to use. AV Framework with Crestron products including deployment and configuration.


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