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        Crestron Commercial Webinars

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        더 나은 하이브리드 회의: Crestron Flex 솔루션 소개

        하이브리드 회의 솔루션은 다양한 회의실 유형과 크기에 맞게 확장 가능해야 하며, 사용자가 인텔리전트 비디오와 뛰어난 오디오에 쉽게 액세스하여 어떤 공간에서도 사용하기 쉬운 화상회의 경험을 누릴 수 있어야 합니다. 이 웨비나를 통해 Crestron Flex 솔루션이 어떻게 원터치 회의실부터 고도의 맞춤형 공간까지 구축 및 관리가 용이한 방식으로 원활한 협업을 제공하는지 알아보세요.

        Presenter: Cara Shannon - Sr. Manager, Product Marketing, Crestron

        Moderator: Carl Wolkovitsch - Sr. Marketing Associate, Crestron

        Duration: 40분

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        DM NVX AV-over-IP 고등 교육 성공 사례

        Crestron은 1백만 달성을 기념하며 DM NVX® 기술을 지속적으로 활용 중입니다. DM NVX®를 성공으로 이끈 고객의 인사이트를 함께 공유하도록 하겠습니다.

        In this webinar, we will introduce our DM NVX AV-over-IP solution, offer insight into the platform for educational institutions, and share a video interview with Richard Meana, director, audiovisual technologies at the University of South Florida. Meana는 DM NVX 플랫폼이 대학 내부 A/V 및 IT 설치 프로세스, 의과대학의 영향력 있는 프로젝트에 도움을 주었던 방법에 대해 설명할 예정입니다. 30분 세션에 참여하여 이야기를 들어보세요.

        Presenters: John Hulen - Director of Channel Marketing, Education, Crestron

        Joel Mulpeter - Director, Product Marketing, Crestron

        Guest: Richard Meana - Director, Audiovisual Technologies, The University of South Florida

        Moderator: Carl Wolkovitsch - Sr. Marketing Associate, Crestron

        Duration: 30분

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        모든 회의 공간에 인텔리전트 비디오 제공

        형태나 크기에 상관 없이 모든 공간은 높은 참여도와 공평한 참여가 가능한 하이브리드 회의를 지원할 수 있어야 합니다. 이 웨비나는 공간에 알맞은 비디오 경험을 결정하는 방법과 이를 뒷받침하는 기술에 대해 알아봅니다. 하드웨어 및 클라우드 AI 기술, 디지털 줌 및 광학 줌, 싱글 카메라와 멀티 캠, 공간 중앙 및 공간 전면 등에 대해 알아보겠습니다.

        Presenters: Sam Kennedy - Sr. Director, Product Marketing, Crestron
        Lauren Simmen - Director, Product Marketing, Crestron
        Cara Shannon - Sr. Manager, Product Marketing, Crestron

        Moderator: Carl Wolkovitsch - Sr. Marketing Associate, Crestron

        Duration: 1 hour with Q&A

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        Zoom Rooms® 소프트웨어용 Crestron Control 앱을 통해 Zoom Rooms 제어 간소화 및 통합하기

        Crestron은 Zoom과 파트너십을 맺고 Zoom Rooms® 소프트웨어용 Crestron Control 앱을 개발했습니다. 이 앱은 모든 회의 공간에서 손쉽게 배포, 제어 및 사용할 수 있는 새로운 엔드 투 엔드 Zoom Rooms 솔루션입니다. Now, any new or existing Zoom Rooms system, regardless of pre-installed brand, can natively use Crestron Control to expand its capabilities.  Join us for a live training session and Q&A on the new Crestron Control App for Zoom Rooms® software. 업계를 선도하는 제어 플랫폼과 Crestron이 어떻게 연결되는지 알아보고 Crestron Construct™ UI 편집 도구를 사용하는 방법을 보여드리겠습니다.


        Presenters: Jonathan Garcia - Lead Technical Solutions Director, Canada Marketing, Crestron
        Toine C. Leerentveld - Director, Product Management, Cloud & Control Services, Crestron
        Ara Seferian - Senior Product Manager, Cloud & Control Services, Crestron
        Marc Happes - Product Owner, Zoom, Product Management, Crestron
        Josh Carlson - Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Crestron

        Guest: Shane Springer - Solutions Architect, Zoom Video Communications

        Moderator: Carl Wolkovitsch - Sr. Marketing Associate, Crestron

        Duration: 1 hour

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        Crestron DM NVX® AV-over-IP Technology — Road to One Million Devices and One Million Memories

        Our partners have found nearly a million ways to use DM NVX AV-over-IP technology for instant communication and collaboration. 수많은 아이디어와 경험과 비전 및 사명을 공유해 왔으며, 앞으로도 더 많은 것들을 공유할 것입니다. Join us for the first of our DM NVX technology webinar series. In this pre-recorded session, we’ll kick off the One Million and Counting celebration with a look at the devices and people who got us there, along with a history of the platform and what lies ahead. Presenters: Joel Mulpeter - Director, Product Marketing, Crestron Kevin Dry - Group Product Manager, AV Solutions, Crestron Josh Carlson - Sr. Product Marketing Manager, Crestron Moderator: Carl Wolkovitsch - Sr. Marketing Associate, Crestron Duration: 30분

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        An Introduction to 1 Beyond Cameras

        Our 1 Beyond PTZ cameras can help you intelligently and clearly capture every participant in the room, increasing meeting equity and engagement for hybrid meetings in larger spaces. Join us as we introduce the new cameras and demonstrate our industry-leading options for group framing, presenter tracking, speaker tracking, and more. We will also discuss standalone and multi-camera options for these models and provide guidance on specifying and deploying the best solution for your space.

        Presenters: Sam Kennedy - Sr. Director, Product Marketing, Crestron
        Lauren Simmen - Director, Product Marketing, Crestron
        Cara Shannon - Sr. Manager, Product Marketing, Crestron

        Moderator: Carl Wolkovitsch - Sr. Marketing Associate, Crestron

        Duration: 45 minutes with Q&A.

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        Intelligent Video for the Courts

        Join us for a demonstration of Automate™ VX voice-activated speaker-tracking solution and learn how intelligent video can be applied to the courtroom or other meeting spaces in the courthouse.

        Presenters: Will Kurtz - Technical Director, Government, Crestron
        Michael Bandin - Government Account Manager, Judicial, Government Sales, Crestron
        Jake Martins - Customer Experience Specialist, Crestron

        Moderator: Carl Wolkovitsch - Sr. Marketing Associate, Crestron

        Length: 40 minutes with Q&A

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        The Challenges of Yacht Refitting and How to Overcome Them

        Join us as we sail into discussion about the complexities and most common challenges of yacht refitting and how Crestron can help you overcome them. Hear our experts’ invaluable insights and experiences. Learn about our suite of practical solutions that will make your installation and maintenance easier than ever, as well as elevate your clients' time aboard.

        Presenters: Daniel Kerkhof - Director Crestron Marine, Crestron
        Georgios Galaris - Residential Marketing Associate, Crestron

        Moderator: Carl Wolkovitsch - Sr. Marketing Associate, Crestron

        Length: 45 Minutes with Q&A

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        Crestron Construct Overview: Streamline In-Room Control with our Simplified UI Editing Tool

        Join us for an introduction and overview of our new dynamic, simplified, and easy-to-use Crestron Construct(TM) UI editing tool. We will provide insight on our new WYSIWYG drag-and-drop UI editor that creates beautiful, intuitive interfaces leveraging HTML5, while simplifying deployment and maximizing performance for your customers.

        Presenters: Ara Seferian - Group Product Manager, Software Tools & Integration, Crestron
        Jonathan Garcia - Lead Technical Solutions Director, Crestron

        Moderator: Carl Wolkovitsch - Sr. Marketing Associate, Crestron

        Length: 1 hour with Q&A

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        Spring 2023 .AV Framework™ Platform Update

        Join us for this update on the current release of our .AV Framework™ configurable systems software. Product Owner, Software Tools, Brad Drew, will provide a deep dive on new features and functions added since November 2022, as well as a preview of new functionality to come. He’ll be joined by Director Channel Marketing, Education, John Hulen. Don’t miss this technically focused event for Crestron partners, including universities, colleges, and other educational institutions.

        Presenters: John Hulen - Director of Channel Marketing, Education, Crestron
        Ara Seferian - Group Product Manager, Software Tools & Integration, Crestron
        Brad Drew – Product Owner, Software Tools, Crestron

        Moderator: Carl Wolkovitsch - Sr. Marketing Associate, Crestron

        Length: 1 hour with Q&A

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