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Crestron Technical Institute에서 제공하는 업계 최고의 교육을 통해 효율성과 생산성을 높여 경쟁에서 한 발 앞서 나갈 수 있습니다

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DM NVX® 기술로 현실이 된 순간들을 살펴보십시오.

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DM NVX® 기술로 현실이 된 순간들을 살펴보십시오.

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Crestron 제공 뉴욕 자이언츠 드래프트 룸

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DM NVX® 기술로 현실이 된 순간들을 살펴보십시오.

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Crestron 제공 뉴욕 자이언츠 드래프트 룸

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DM NVX AV-over-IP 주간을 놓치셨나요?

일주일에 걸쳐 혁신을 기념한 행사의 좋은 내용들을 보실 수 있습니다! 웨비나, 테키나 및 그 외 배움의 기회를 잡으세요.

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전용 솔루션.

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Crestron 관련 모든 필요 답변과 리소스를 빠르게 찾아보세요. 문의하기, 이전 문의 내용 관리하기, FAQ 액세스 등 여러 작업을 하실 수 있습니다.

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Crestron 관련 모든 필요 답변과 리소스를 빠르게 찾아보세요. 문의하기, 이전 문의 내용 관리하기, FAQ 액세스 등 여러 작업을 하실 수 있습니다.

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특정 제품을 찾고 계신가요?

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Crestron 비디오바 70
All-in-one collaboration bar for medium and large rooms

Put high-performance hybrid meetings front and center

Videobar 70 is a single, easily deployable device packed with everything you need to create premium hybrid experiences. Intelligent video capabilities from four high-resolution cameras. Stereo speakers with the capacity to fill the room with sound. Beamforming microphones that pick up every word clearly. Android OS® for easy install. Set up more rooms in less time and give medium-to-large spaces the equity that modern work demands.

Get the full range of intelligent video

Group framing. Speaker tracking. Picture-in-picture. One wide-angle camera for full room view and to see people closer to the front of the room. Three narrow-FoV cameras in an array work together to capture those further away in high-resolution and give remote participants the best view possible — even in large rooms.

이미지 1 텍스트 필드
그룹 프레이밍

카메라를 팬, 틸트, 줌으로 자동 조정해 공간에 있는 모든 사람들이 완벽한 구도를 잡을 수 있습니다.

이미지 1 텍스트 필드
화자 추적 기능

Intuitively shows the person speaking and switches focus as the speaker changes — with enough range for your largest rooms.

이미지 1 텍스트 필드

Shows multiple views of the meeting space to add context and provide an intelligent, immersive experience.

Experience room-filling audio. Even where there’s more room to fill.

Videobar 70’s audio array reaches every seat — from the front of the room to the back. 24 beamforming built-in microphones reduce noise and capture voices clearly for remote participants, while powerful built-in stereo speakers fill the entire space with rich audio.

Get all you need. On the platform you want.

Go from 0 to 70 in seconds

Quick to deploy with plug-and-play simplicity, Videobar 70 lets you just set up and go. Power the device, connect to the network, plug in displays, and the room is ready. A single cable connects your touch panel for one-touch meeting join and control.

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Everything you need to know about Videobar 70, available in one, easy-to-understand document.

뉴스레터 구독하기

Bring better meetings to bigger spaces

Large rooms?
No big deal.

Now, more room doesn’t need to equal more equipment. Videobar 70 is the easiest way to make large conference rooms completely collaboration friendly. One device with dynamic intelligent video and robust audio covers the whole space.

A little less space.
A lot more action.

Everything needed for successful hybrid meetings, Videobar 70 let you get more use out of your midsized conference rooms with a whole lot let less — less devices, less cables, and way less work to install.

이미지 1 텍스트 필드
Crestron 인텔리전트 비디오

Engaging. Dynamic. Human. Create equitable meeting experiences for everyone with solutions that make collaboration more effective, no matter where you’re working.

이미지 1 텍스트 필드
Crestron Flex 비디오 컨퍼런싱

간편한 사용. 간편한 배포. An equal seat for everyone. Unite your dispersed workforce with high-performance devices for every workspace.

Crestron의 강점

Built on a legacy of Unified Communications, Videobar 70 is our first all-in-one videoconferencing system and the latest in a long lineup of hybrid meeting solutions. All designed to work seamlessly together. All easily managed from one location.

이미지 1 텍스트 필드

관련 콘텐츠

이미지 1 텍스트 필드
줌 룸 소프트웨어용 Crestron Control 소개

Zoom Rooms® 비디오 컨퍼런싱은 제어가 아닌 협업을 위해 구축된 훌륭한 플랫폼이지만 이러한 제어에는 확장 가능성과 보안이 갖춰져야 합니다. 그렇다면 정답은 무엇일까요? 바로 Zoom Rooms® 소프트웨어용 Crestron Control입니다.

이미지 1 텍스트 필드
The Crestron Videobar 70 — Built for Microsoft Teams Rooms and Zoom Rooms Software

Looking for a premium audiovisual experience for medium to large meeting rooms that works brilliantly with Microsoft Teams® Rooms and Zoom Rooms® software? The Crestron Videobar 70 is the answer, delivering premium audio and images to in-person and remote collaborators.

이미지 1 텍스트 필드
AI in AV: 3 Big Questions, Answered

Three questions we hear very often are: What is “Visual AI,” and is it different from intelligent video? What do I need hardware-wise? What do I need to be concerned about with these systems? We’ve got the answers to help you make sense of artificial intelligence in audio-visual applications.


Crestron의 연락을 받고자 하시는 경우, 아래 양식을 작성해 주시기 바랍니다. 담당자가 전화드릴 것입니다.

Solutions at work

Crestron desk scheduling solutions are ideal for organizations with large hot desking areas or with a high and/or growing proportion of hybrid workers. Deployment is simple and easy to integrate into your office workflow. Crestron desk scheduling solutions can be readily added to existing hot desk areas with little downtime.

이미지 1 텍스트 필드

Crestron solutions help organizations get the most out of their meetings by getting more out of their meeting rooms.

이미지 1 텍스트 필드

Legacy institutions and state-of-the-art facilities both leverage the capability and scalability of Crestron products.

이미지 1 텍스트 필드

The security to keep conversations private is what keeps military and government agencies coming back to Crestron.

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