Effective Date: 10 December 2021

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1.  Scope

Crestron Flex Care subscription support plans  (the “Plans”) are offered by Crestron Electronics, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries and affiliates (together “Crestron”), for purchase through Authorized Resellers in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, select regions in Europe, and such other locations as authorized by Crestron from time to time,  in connection with the purchase of Crestron Flex conference systems (the “Eligible Products”). The complete list of Eligible Products can be found at https://www.crestron.com/Products/Featured-Solutions/Crestron-Flex.

2.  Benefits

The benefits below are available throughout the subscription period for which Plan coverage for Eligible Products has been purchased:

2.1  Advance Replacements.
The Plan provides for Advance Replacements of the Eligible Products throughout  the applicable warranty period, as described below.

2.2  Extended Remote Support Hours.
The Plan provides for extended remote support hours, offering coverage 24 hours a day / 7 days per week for Eligible Products.

2.3  Five Year Extended Limited Warranty.
The Crestron Standard Limited Warranty coverage period for all Crestron-branded components of the Eligible Products will be extended from three (3) years to a period of up to five (5) years from Crestron’s shipment of the Eligible Product, when Plan coverage is continuously maintained, from initial purchase through the extended warranty period, as further described below.  The Crestron Standard Limited Warranty, located at https://www.crestron.com/Legal/sales-terms-conditions-warranties/Standard-Limited-Warranty, applies to all third-party branded components, including without limitation  the UC-Engine and standalone cameras, included in the Eligible Products. Warranty coverage and Advance Replacements are subject to the terms of Crestron Standard Limited Warranty and Terms and Conditions of Sale, posted at www.crestron.com/warranty.

2.4  Reduced Rate On-Site Support.
The Plan provides for a 25% discount off Crestron’s standard daily fee for On-Site Support visits for Eligible Products, where available, subject to the terms of Crestron’s On-Site Support program.  On-Site Support requires the engagement of an independent Crestron authorized Dealer. To locate a Dealer click the “How to Buy” tab at  https://www.crestron.com/

3.  Plan Details

Plans are available for  purchase in connection with the purchase of an Eligible Product, as detailed below:

3.1  Each Plan purchased is applicable to the specific Eligible Product for which it is purchased and may not be transferred to any other Eligible Product.

3.2  New Plans must be purchased within ninety (90) days of Crestron’s shipment  of the Eligible Product and must be purchased for an initial subscription term of one year or longer. 

3.3  All Plans are effective thirty (30) days after purchase (the “Subscription Start Date”). 

3.4  In order to ensure full access to Plan benefits, Plan subscribers shall complete the registration process, following the instructions provided by Crestron, within thirty (30) days following purchase of the Plan.

3.5  The term of coverage under a Plan may be extended to allow for a total period of coverage of up to five (5) years from Crestron’s shipment of the covered Eligible Product, by purchasing additional subscription terms prior to the expiration of an active Plan.

3.6  The Plan and all benefits thereunder shall expire if continuous coverage is not maintained from the time of initial purchase. Upon expiration of a Plan, additional periods of Plan coverage shall not be available for purchase.

3.7  The Plan will terminate in the event that an invoice for coverage is not paid when due.

3.8  Upon cancellation, expiration or termination of the Plan, all Plan benefits will expire.  All Plans will expire at the latest five (5) years following Crestron’s shipment of the Eligible Product.

3.9  Plans may not be cancelled and are not eligible for refund, except as set forth below.

3.10  Plans will be invoiced at the annual rate. Crestron in its sole discretion may offer shorter periods of coverage for the extension or co-termination of active Plans.

4.  General Terms

4.1  Crestron reserves the right to amend or modify the Plan offerings from time to time.  However, to the extent that any such modification materially reduces the Plan benefits, Crestron will provide thirty (30) days written notice of such modifications, and affected purchasers may cancel subsequent years of coverage within thirty (30) days of such notice.

4.2  The Plan does not provide for system programming, integration, or commissioning; or support for issues resulting from services, hardware, or software, whether Crestron or Third-Party, other than the Eligible Products for which the Plan has been purchased.

4.3  Except as otherwise described above, all provisions of Crestron’s Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale and Standard Limited Warranty, both available at https://www.crestron.com/Legal/sales-terms-conditions-warranties, ( and at www.crestron.com/crestroneuropeterms for Europe) continue to apply to the Crestron Flex Care Plan and the Eligible Products.


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