Last Updated:  13 February 2024

PDF Version:  English | Deutsch | Français
1.  Overview

1.1  The term “Conflict Minerals” refers to specific raw materials that originate from a particular geographic region of the African continent.  These materials include Coltan, Cassiterite, Wolframite, Gold, and their respective derivatives, Tantalum, Tin, and Tungsten, commonly referred to as “3TG”.  In 2010, the U.S. Congress enacted the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act § 1502(b) (the “Act”) to further the humanitarian goal of ending the extremely violent conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (“DRC”), which has been partially financed by the exploitation and trade of conflict minerals originating in the DRC.  In 2012, pursuant to the Act, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) adopted a new form and rule (“Rule”) relating to the use of conflict minerals, which requires all public traded companies to disclose certain information concerning 3TG contained in products that they manufacture or contract to manufacture to the extent that 3TG is necessary to the functionality or production of the products.

2.  Commitment

2.1  Crestron Electronics, Inc. (“Crestron”) fully supports the Act and is committed to providing our customers with responsibly sourced and innovative products.  Because Crestron is not a publicly traded company, we do not have a reporting obligation or any duties under the Rule.  In addition, Crestron does not directly source Conflict Minerals from mines, smelters, or refiners, and is in most cases a number of levels removed from these market participants.  Crestron therefore expects our suppliers of components, parts, or products containing Conflict Minerals to:

  (a)  source those minerals only from ethically and socially responsible sources validated as being “conflict free” that do not directly or indirectly contribute to conflict within the meaning of the Rule;

  (b)  comply with the Rule where applicable by declaring any components, parts, and products that contain Conflict Minerals and further providing associated country of and other origin information; and

  (c)  implement controls on their supply chains consistent with the Rule where applicable.

2.2  Crestron will assess future business with suppliers who are not cooperative with the conflict-free sourcing initiative and not compliant with this Policy.

2.3  Crestron is committed to ethical practices and compliance with applicable laws and regulations wherever it does business.

3.   Translations

This document has been originally drafted in the English language.  The parties expressly agree and acknowledge that the English version of the document will prevail over any other language translation of this document.

4.  Contact Crestron

If you have any questions, please contact Crestron.

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North and South America:
Crestron Electronics, Inc.
15 Volvo Drive
Rockleigh, NJ 07647 USA

Europe, Middle East, and Africa:
Crestron Europe BV
Stephensonstraat 20, bus 0001, 
2800 Mechelen Belgium.
VAT No. BE0699.717.121

Australia and New Zealand:
Crestron ANZ PTY. Ltd.
Level 5, 15 Help Street,
Chatswood NSW 2067, Australia

Crestron Singapore Pte. Ltd.
30, rue Cecil
#21-05, Tour Prudential
049712 de Singapour

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